Many Paths:  Alternatives to Traditional Therapy Available–
I identify primarily as a cognitive-behavioral therapist.

That said, there are many different ways “to do” therapy, and options to traditional talk therapy.
Just as you have a choice in the particular medical treatment you receive or the doctor you see,
you also have a choice in the type of therapy you receive, and the therapist who provides it.

A single approach does not adequately address any problem, just as a single medicine or procedure cannot cure every ailment. Although I identify  as a cognitive-behavioral therapist, the techniques I use to support the cognitive-behavioral philosophy vary.  I integrate play therapy when working with children, and elements associated with mindfulness and positive psychology with all clients.

For example, one alternative approach for parents of young children is Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, an action oriented approach described below.

An Overview of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy–
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy is an alternative to talk therapy for families with children aged 2-7, originally developed to promote attachment and address oppositional behavior.   The parent wears a small microphone while the therapist coaches from the sidelines. One or both parents can be involved in session.

PCIT is a pro-active, in the moment, approach that works.
Instead of us simply talking about your child and how to manage behavior, the idea is that together we work to prevent and address behaviors as they occur.

I want to help you choose the right therapy for you.

I believe in using various techniques that have been shown to work for your particular challenges.

I will listen to what you have to say, educate you about what I know, and together we will decide upon the best approach for you.